Dilluns 30 August 11:00 a.m.- 2:00 p.m. Parc aquàtic at the municipal swimming pool, the youngest children will have the inflatables at the sports center. 10:30 a.m. Start of the I Domino Championship. 12:00 h General volteig of bells. 11:00 p.m. Concert by the Batugària Batucada in Plaça del Crist. Tuesday 31 August 12:00 h General volteig of bells. 23:00 Correfocs al carrer dels Dimonis Polopins al poliesportiu, sponsored by Hon. Provincial Council of Alicante. Dimecres 1 September 12:00 h General volteig of bells. 12:30 pm Mass in honor of the Immaculate Conception. 11:00 p.m. Children’s Musical Theater “Robinn Hood. The Legend” sponsored by Hon. Provincial Council of Alicante. Dijous 2 September 11:00 am General volteig of bells. 12: oo h L´Agrupació Musical la Rectoria will entertain various llocs del poble. 12:30 pm Solemn Mass in honor of the Santíssim Crist de la Salut sung by the choir of the Rectory 7:00 p.m. In the carrer Ample concert of the Orchestra of the Marina Alta of the Institut d’estudis Musicals Marina Alta(OMA). Sponsored by the Hon. Provincial Council of Alicante. 10:30 p.m. Spectacle of artificial focs in the poliesportiu that you can enjoy from the cadires of the plaça del Crist. 11:00 p.m. Tribute to Spanish Pop with the No Coment Orchestra, sponsored by the Excma. Provincial Council of Alicante. Divendres 3 September 12:00 am Volteig General de Campanes. 19: oo h Performance by the Colleta del Verger (Espai de Música Jove del Verger), sponsored by the Excma. Provincial Council of Alicante. 10:30 p.m. Delivery of the trophies of the I Domino Championship 11:00 p.m. Performance by the Great Mestres of Magic, sponsored by the Excma. Provincial Council of Alicante. Disabled September 4 11:00 p.m. Concert by the orchestra Duck with the title “Trau la llengua” It is NOT possible to menjar on public roads or in the venues of the actes. All the acts will be sent and s’hauran d’INSCRIURE in the Town Hall. Preference for registered citizens and residents Clocks and hours can be modified according to the restrictions that exist at this time of covid.

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